Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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121 lines
-- sched.e
-- Task Scheduler
-- This is perhaps the most interesting source file since it shows a
-- simple technique of task scheduling that could be used in any action
-- game or simulation program.
-- We have implemented a form of cooperative multitasking to manage 10
-- independent tasks. There is a task that moves the Euphoria, another task
-- that checks the keyboard for input, a task that makes enemy ships fire,
-- another that counts down the damage report, etc. The sequence "tcb" records
-- the time at which each task wants to be activated next. When the time comes
-- to run a given task, the scheduler will return to the main program, telling
-- it which task to run. When the task is finished it can tell the scheduler
-- when it would like to be activated next.
-- For example, the task that moves the Euphoria will ask to be activated
-- again in 20 seconds if the Euphoria is moving at warp 1, or much less at
-- higher warps. The keyboard checking task is activated very frequently, but
-- usually returns quickly (no key pressed).
-- Some tasks require very precise activation times to make things look
-- realistic, e.g. Euphoria moving at warp 5. Others do not, for example the
-- BASIC TRUCE/HOSTILE/CLOAKING task which is activated after a lengthy and
-- random amount of time. In recognition of this we have the "eat" (early
-- activation tolerance) variable. After choosing the next task to run, and
-- before entering into a delay loop to wait for the activation time to come,
-- the scheduler will check the eat to see if it can activate the task a bit
-- early. This will get this task out of the way a bit earlier and
-- reduce the chance of a timing conflict with the next task.
-- Having said all this, the code is actually quite simple:
global constant HUGE_TIME = 1e30
global constant INACTIVE = 0
global procedure sched(task t, positive_atom wait)
-- schedule a task to be reactivated in wait seconds
if wait = INACTIVE then
-- deactivate
tcb[t] = HUGE_TIME
-- activate in wait seconds from now
tcb[t] = time() + wait
end if
end procedure
global function next_task()
-- choose the next task to be executed
positive_atom mintime
task mintask
-- find task with minimum time
mintime = HUGE_TIME
for i = 1 to NTASKS do
if tcb[i] < mintime then
mintask = i
mintime = tcb[i]
end if
end for
-- subtract it's early-activation tolerance
tcb[mintask] = tcb[mintask] - eat[mintask]
-- wait until it is time to activate it
while time() < tcb[mintask] do
end while
return mintask
end function
-- below we have some code that lets us perform short accurate time delays
-- with better resolution than the usual 18.2 ticks per second under MS-DOS
constant sample_interval = 1.0
atom sample_count
type reasonable_delay(atom x)
return x > 0 and x < 30
end type
global procedure init_delay()
-- since time() does not have fine enough
-- resolution for small delays, we see how many for-loop iterations
-- we can complete over a small sample period
atom t
t = time() + sample_interval
for i = 1 to 999999999 do
if time() < t then
sample_count = i
end if
end for
end procedure
global procedure delay(reasonable_delay t)
-- delay for t seconds
atom stop
if t > sample_interval then
-- time() should be precise enough
stop = time() + t
while time() < stop do
end while
-- loop a certain number of times
stop = time() + sample_interval
for i = 1 to floor(t / sample_interval * sample_count) do
if time() < stop then
end if
end for
end if
end procedure